

“West Coast Sadhana has become the anchor of my mornings as a busy entrepreneur leading two companies.

The shared space of morning Sadhana provides a grounding experience, allowing me to travel inward amidst like-minded people pursuing the path of light.

This community brings a profound depth and vibrancy to my daily routine, awakening me to my true nature in a beautiful and inspiring way.

Grateful for the journey West Coast Sadhana offers each day”


“I’m very grateful for this space. It’s life changing for me in so many ways! I feel held every morning with the true essence of group consciousness and allowing yourself to show up to unity, light & awareness that’s infinitely available to all…”


“WCS has brought so much healing to my being by allowing for daily processing and integration of my deepest feelings, thoughts, and emotions. The neutral space held by the community empowers me to be my own healer. Sharing in the intentional purity of the group allows me to step into my highest remembrance not only on a daily basis but at the beginning of each day setting the tone for the day at the most blissful of vibrations which ripples out to be shared with all those I get to interact with that day!”